Cardisiography is now also registered with the “Therapeutic Good Administration” (TGA) for medical use in Australia. This clears another hurdle for the worldwide spread of cardisiography and the early detection of coronary diseases. Cardisio is present in Australia through the cooperation with the Cardisio master distributor “Heartwave Ltd” from London and the local and certified partner Vikardia. VIKARDIA PTY LTD is a company registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
The Therapeutic Goods Administration has been the regulator of the Australian Department of Health for Therapeutics in Australia since 1989 and sets requirements for the inclusion of therapeutics in the Australian Therapeutic Registry, including guidelines for advertising, labeling, product appearance and complaints.
Our partners and we are firmly convinced that Cardisiography will make a very valuable contribution to prevention and medical care, especially in such a large and at the same time sparsely populated country like Australia.