With the Cardisiograph, you can diagnose heart hypoperfusions, for example as a result of stenoses, easily, safely and, most importantly, non-invasively. This makes a Cardisiogram the perfect starting point for further diagnosis and treatment.
But what benefits does this technology have in the EP lab? To answer this, the Cardisio team attended this year’s electrophysiology conference in Dortmund (EPK 2019). The company presented its innovative technology to German industry experts for the first time at the Orchesterzentrum NRW on 6/7 September 2019.
For those who were unable to attend, we have provided a brief answer to the question on the benefits of the technology below: Cardisiography is based on the foundation of electrophysiology. It calculates potential hypoperfusion of the heart muscle in three-dimensional space by conducting currents away towards the body surface. This information is then all collated into the Cardisiogram, a three-dimensional ECG curve. You can use the Cardisio results to gain key insight from a medical professional into the heart’s contractility and the kind of myocardial disease you may be suffering from. And most importantly, all of this can be achieved before surgery. This subsequently supports the electrophysiologist in planning any surgery, saving time and improving the overall quality.
What’s more, the Cardisiograph can help to detect hypoperfusions with risk of ischaemia before showing any symptoms for the first time – non-invasively and with 95% accuracy.